Monday, September 15, 2008

The Moral of the Story: Art, Culture, Media and Politics

Parkland's 12th Annual Fall Conference
The Moral of the Story: Art, Culture, Media and Politics
November 14-16, 2008
University of Alberta Campus, in Edmonton

Multimedia keynote:
Sol Guy (tentative) - New media cultural storyteller
Closing speaker:
Tariq Ali - Historian, novelist, filmmaker, political campaigner, and commentator

Why do we talk about what we talk about?
* Media
* Language
* Activist Art
* Politics in Fiction
* Alternative Media

What should we be talking about?
* Stories, Myths and Metaphors: Changing the Way We Think
* Knowing How We Think
* The Stories in the Words We Choose

Find out more and to download the ticket/registration form:
Political change for the common good

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